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Marking Guidelines

DEVELOPING (Optional Marks 65-69)

A performance demonstrating an awareness of technical skills, requiring more consistent artistry.


PROGRESSING (Optional Marks 70-74)

A performance showing development of technique and/or communication and commitment.


MERIT (Optional Marks 75-79)

A competent performance, showing some artistic awareness and/or technical ability.


COMMENDED (Optional Marks 80-84)

A convincing performance technically and artistically, with increasing stylistic and communication skills.


HONOURS (Optional Marks 85-89)

An excellent performance, demonstrating fluent technical and artistic skills with emerging individuality.


OUTSTANDING (Optional Marks 90-94)

An impressive performance technically and artistically, displaying spontaneity and clear individuality.


EXCEPTIONAL (Optional Marks 95-100)

A superlative performance, displaying exceptional artistic individuality.


AED (All England Dance) Qualifying Marks

For clarification, qualifying performances will be awarded a ‘Q’ alongside the BIFF Marking Scheme which Aldershot & Farnborough Dance Festival follow. The Adjudicator will award a ‘Q’ to dancers who have reached a qualifying standard and marked with the relevant bands. 

This means that a 1st and 2nd place may qualify, but the 3rd may not. Equally, all 3 places could qualify, or only 1st place - this is no change to previous AED Qualifying years.

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